Kakashi’s Diary

What does it feel like when you want to scream,

But you’ve no shoulders to cry.

When all that you existed for,

Vanishes in a bolt of lightning.

When the beautiful cheerful music,

Suddenly becomes void with no strings to attach.

There was a boy I once knew…

Charming as Cosmos,

Pure as a snowy fractal,

Unpredictable idiot always annoying me…

He was like the ray of sunshine,

Always keeping my spirit in light.

Like me, he was always alone,

But unlike me, he always kept the doors of his heart open,

And spirit at the sky’s level.

With eyes full of his Dream,

And heart full of his Crush,

She was his gem.

But good times tend to fall apart…

So did we three,

With her being killed in this brutal world…

He forgot his existence,

With every drop of her blood,

Died his inner spirit.

Disillusioned eyes took him to the devil…

And he finally killed his last self.

Now after all these years,

He’s back.

I want to hug him,

But the blood on his hands and evil on his mind,

Stops me.

He’s not my friend anymore,

I don’t know if he feels any pain now…

I want to help him,

But he says he’s beyond help.

I wonder why there’s so much pain,

Why these pointless wars, why…


‘Rin’ — He says.

‘I’ve been waiting’ — She says.

‘Really’ — He asks.

‘I’ve been watching you all along. Let’s go.’ — She smiles.

And Obito cries… On a shoulder he deserved…

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