You’re the Night Sky

I always wonder at the sky… It seems so vast, so amazingly colossal! Whenever things are lousy, the sky calms me. It’s like a friend. Usually, in the evening, I walk staring at the open sky… It’s so wild spirited, full of stars, celestial bodies, cosmic particles, and me.

I preferably love the night sky the most, the day sky is nice, yet they seem to hide something from me; I wouldn’t say I like it. It gives me the feeling that this world is bounded, bounded by an infinite wall, infinite blue cloudy wall, that I’m unable to see further. I’m sad, the feeling of being enclosed is not nice, so I’m not too fond of it.

On the contrary, the night sky is mysterious. I always loved mysterious things. There are so many stars and a beautiful moon. Yeah, the moon is so stunning. I like the way it follows me everywhere, though that’s really not the case. It seems so pure. The sky is so pure, so pious. I wonder how it’s like this…

I’ll spend my hours watching constellations and talking to myself; it’s peacetime… Yet the sky is still so stunning. Whether it’s day or night, it’s still my favorite. I love it.

And I ask whom the sky loves, how it can be so happy, it’s inanimate, but still, it seems so happy and charming to me. Know why?

I think sky loves everyone. It’s just that we all have such wrong ideas about what’s love. If you know what true love is, I think it’ll be like the sky, beautiful and welcoming to every soul. There’s no trace of impurity. I think the cosmos inside is true love, though I myself don’t truly understand.

But the Universe surely loves you…

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